Monday, November 5, 2012

Breaking News!

I am now tired of all the political ads, wrangling, and phone calls asking for me to support any candidate.  If you are the last undecided voter in America would you please tell someone!  Maybe then they will leave me alone.

I am checking out for the next 48 hours and going on a media fast.  I am doing this for the sake of my soul and sanity.  I will vote tomorrow, and will be holding our election in my prayers.  I encourage you to do the same. I will be praying that the division in our nation, fostered by our ruling class in order to win elections and encouraged by the media in order to sell advertising, will by the grace of God be healed one day.

And now for something completely different, courtesy of Air New Zealand:

Maybe one day Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, Communists, etc., can share the same flight in civility like the Wizards, Elves, Orcs, Hobbits, Humans, and Dwarves above.

Yes, I am a geek, and a dreamer!

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