Friday, December 7, 2012

Random Thoughts

Random disconnected thoughts on a rainy day:
  1. God is the Subject not the Object of Theology.
  2. Yes, Virginia there is a truth.  Not my truth.  Not your truth.  “What is truth?”  The answer, “Jesus Christ.”
  3.  Discipleship is about following that Truth, and conforming our lives to Him.
  4. Interestingly, to me at least, I read the following sentence recently from The Good and Beautiful God (Smith: IVP 2009), “The one primary mission for a pastor should be to make disciples, but there are a thousand other pressing needs, problems, and agendas that easily throw us off-track”.  Good words to remember, and now, today, an email from Bishop Daniel stating the same thing.  I do not believe he is reading the same book, so….
  5. Maybe, these thoughts are not really disconnected.

1 comment:

  1. Not disconnected at all! If I faithfully follow the ordinal as my true job description, and presume by faith those things in Creed and Canon which underlie it. And if the wardens and vestry of my parish understand the true nature of what a presbyter is and what the duties of the laity are, ought I not to be somewhat insulated against the twin evils of busyness and mission creep which so often conspire to limit our effectiveness for God?
