Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Mere Thoughts

Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali, in his Mere Anglicanism presentation, discussed two views of Jesus that are quite common today.

1.  Jesus as exemplar of obedience.

2.  Jesus as "guru" or guide.

So, two questions:

1.  Have you seen or read any Christian theological works that promote these views, either exclusively or a as a primary understanding?

2.  Who holds these views?

Then answers may surprise you.

To answer question #2, Bishop Michael notes that the first view of Jesus is held by Sufis the second makes its presence known in the Hindu comprehension of Jesus.


  1. Are you looking for those who hold these views exclusively, or as a part of a larger Christology which names him as unique Saviour and Lord, Son of God and Son of Mary?

    1. I am looking for those who hold these views either exclusively, or primarily. I will update for that question.
