Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Santa Lucia

Today is the commemoration of St. Lucy. Lucy, or Lucia, was martyred at Syracuse, Sicily in the persecutions under Diocletian (303-304).  Her tomb may still be found in the catacombs of Syracuse, and her commemoration spread quickly in the Church.

She is remembered for her purity and gentleness and is associated with light.  Her feast is celebrated as both a church and secular commemoration in Scandanavia. 

So, for St. Lucy's day here is Enrico Caruso singing Santa Lucia.
Ok, so the song is about boats and an island in the Bay of Naples.  On the other hand, it contains Santa Lucia and is quite lovely.  And, if, like me, you do not know Italian, just pretend it is about the Saint.  That's what I do.

The Collect for St. Lucy

Loving God, for the salvaiton of all you gave Jesus Christ as light to a world in darkness: Illumine us, with your daughter Lucy, with the light of Christ, that by the merits of his passion we may be led to eternal life; through the same Jesus Christ, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

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